Scary story – Autumnville

There was once a small town named Autumnville. It was quiet and peaceful until a family full of vampires moved there… Ever since they lived there, many people have gone missing. However, the vampires are really smart and they hide themselves really well. No one knew their dark secret. One evening, a girl was walking through the woods when she suddenly heard a strange noise behind her. She gasps softly, turning around to find out what the noise was. But… There was nothing besides fog and trees. She started to feel worried and scared, so she quickly walked back home. The next day in school she noticed that her classmate Jasper was acting really weird. He became quiet and distant from everyone, and he had a guilty look on his face. She raises her eyebrow, quite confused by his sudden change. She frowns, walking over to him “Hey.” she mutters out. “I wanted to ask why you why are you acting so.. weird. Did soemthing happen?” Jasper looks at her, his eyes cold and emtionless. “Yes, I’m alright Lisa.”. Lisa nods, shrugging it off. She walks back to her seat as the bell rings. During lunch time she saw him sitting with his siblings, this was the first time she realized how pale they were. They almost looked… Dead. She narrows her eyes, studying them quietly. She felt a strong urge to go talk to Jasper again, but he would just shrug her off anyway. She looks away from them, taking a bite of her food. “Oh my gosh, my family said we’re going camping this weekend.” her friend Jessica says excitedly. Lisa looks at her, a flash of worry crossing her face. “Jess.. Do you know how many people went missing?” Jessica shrugs. “It’s fine, Lisa. Nothing will happen.” Jessica chuckles, continuing to talk about her camping plans. Lisa shakes her head. ”How could she be so careless?“ Lisa thinks to herself. Finishing her food, she stands up, putting her tray away and walking to the busy hallway, trying to find her next class. As the hours slowly and painfully pass, the last bell of the day finally rings. Lisa gets up happily, walking out of the school. To her car. She pills out her keys from her pocket, unlocking her car and getting inside. She slowly drives home, playing some of her favorite music. When she suddenly remembers what Jessica said. Lisa was very worried about her, what if something happened to her? She sighs, pushing those thoughts away.

She keeps driving until she arrives at her house, she parks her car outside and walks to her house, greeting her parents and having dinner with them. After her amazing dinner she goes up to her room, gets in bed and falls asleep while reading Romeo and Juliet book. Over the next few weeks Lisa was still worried about Jessica’s camping trip. She kept trying to change her mind. But Jessica was stubborn and didn’t want to listen. Then, came the day of her camping trip. Lisa was helping her pack her things. “Jessica… Are you sure you will be alright?” Lisa asks. Jessica nods. “Yes, don’t worry so much. I will be fine.” Lisa frowns, she could not shake the worry away. “Okay.. But be careful, Jess.” she says reluctantly. After Jessica was packed, they took her things to the car and placed them inside the trunk. Lisa and Jessica share their goodbyes and Jessica gets in the car with her parents, waving to Lisa. Lisa waves sadly, she still hoped Jessica would be alright, and that nothing would happen. The next day Lisa was watching the news on the sofa. The reporter was talking about missing kids in the area. Lisa was calm until she heard something that made her heart drop…. The reporter said that a girl named Jessica had gone missing while she was on her camping trip. Lisa quickly panics, grabbing her phone and trying to get a hold of Jessica, but it only went to voicemail. She tried calling Jessica’s parents next…. It didn’t work. Over the next hour she desperately called them, but still… No one picked up. She had no choice but to accept the fact that they were all missing. She takes a deep breath, calling her parents and breaking the news to them too. The next day was full of search parties. There were many police officers in the woods, trying to find the missing girl and her parents. It was heavily raining and thundering. Lisa was stressed and worried that they might be somewhere, cold and scared. She tried calming herself down by listening to music. Days have passed since Jessica was missing. Lisa decided to take matters into her own hands. She grabs a flashlight and a rain coat, heading to the woods. She looks around, calling for Jessica. It was so cold, foggy and quiet. She kept trying to find her way through the woods, but she only went deeper and there were no signs of Jessica or her parents. Lisa started to give up, she has been screaming Jessica’s name for the past three hours. Nothing is working….. It started to get very dark outside, she finally gives up, turning on her flashlight and trying to find her way home… Once she gets to the sidewalk she sadly walks home, still shining her flashlight around… Maybe she will see Jessica? She questions herself with a deep sigh… Soon the warm and welcoming light comes into sight, she walks through the door, taking off her rain boots and coat. She walks up to her, too sad and tired to greet her parents. She walks up the staircase, closing the door to her room and falling into bed tiredly. She cries herself to sleep that night. The next morning the rolls out of bed, getting ready for school. Once she arrives there she parks her car next to the space where Jessica usually would. She slowly walks into the school, her eyes catch something and she stops walking. It was Jasper, he was talking to his weird pale siblings, and they all looked… More comfortable. Especially Jasper, she remembers the guilty look on his face just weeks ago. She hums, shrugging and walking away. She gets to her first class, math. Oh joy… Just what i needed. She thinks to herself, sitting down next to the seat where Jessica usually sits. The first three hours of the day pass really slowly and the air felt heavy. Lisa skipped lunch that day and sat outside in the fresh, cold air. She suddenly remembers how weird Jasper has been acting these past few days. And how they all seem to disappear when the sun is out. “Hm.. That is strange.” she mutters to herself, sitting up. She decided to go ask him about it again. She walks into the cafetaeria, just as she was about to approach him the bell rang. She groans. “Fine… Ill just ask him another time”…. She made her way to the last to the last class of the day. Sitting down in her usual spot, since it was empty someone sat next to her.. It was Jasper! Yes, i need to ask him now. She thinks to herself. “Hey, Jasper. Why were you acting so weird that day? And how come you and your siblings are never in school when its sunny?” Lisa asks him. Jasper looks at her. “Well.. I was just my usual self… And our parents pull us out for hikes and all that stuff.” Jasper looks back at his book. Lisa opens her mouth, about to ask something but he looked away. She awkwardly looks away too. Her last class passed slowly, and Jasper quickly walks out as the bell rings. He was still acting strange, Lisa sighs. She gathers her books and puts them away. Again, making her way to her car. She walks over to her car, leaning on it and staring at the others walking past her, hoping to see Jessica. But to no suprise, she wasnt there. She reluctantly gets into her car, starting it and driving away. She has never been so confused before. She drives back to her home, parking her car in the same spot as last time. She walks over to the door, unlocking it and entering. She walks straight to her room. Trying to connect all the puzzles. Another week has passed. Jasper has been taken out of the school and so have his siblings. They all moved away… And Jessica was still gone.

Isabel Hacmanjek
