U srijedu, 20.3. učenici šestih u Vugrovcu su imali neuobičajen sat engleskog jezika – umjesto vježbanja gramatike, rješavanja zadataka ili slušanja obilježili su Svjetski dan pripovijedanja. Naravno, pričanjem priča, i to ne bilo kojih, već onih koje su sami osmislili. Na početku sata podijelili su se u grupe. Grupe su pomoću različitih poticaja smišljale priče – jedni su smišljali priču pomoću oslikanih kockica, drugi pomoću „gatalice“. Treća grupa je od nekoliko predloženih početaka priče izabrala jedan i završila priču, dok je zadnja grupa glavne događaje i likove priče odabrala pomoću programa na računalu. Učenici su bili vrlo kreativni, smislili interesantne priče i se pritom se dobro zabavili.
It was 1 a.m. in the morning. I was asleep. Then suddenly a lamp flashed in my eyes and exploded. The glass was everywhere and I was so scared. The elephant was the one who broke the lamp. I was confused. The elephant ran away to the old stone bridge and fell into the darkness.
Once upon a time little girl fell asleep. In her dream, she went into the space. She landed on Jupiter and she saw a little creature staring at something that looked like a phone. When she got closer, she screamed. It was an alien! He screamed too, but he wasn’t afraid. He was ashamed. The girl realised that he is trying to dance. He said: “I’m sorry you had to see this. My name is Zibbie and I’m trying to dance, but I can’t.“ „It’s OK! Do you want me to teach you?“ – „I’d love that!“. And they flossed all night long. But when the morning came, she had to leave. She woke up very happy.
Once upon a time there was an ogre. He was really ugly and nobody liked him. HE didn’t go to school, he didn’t play or play or talk to anyone. He was sad and lonely. He lived in a shed near the Amazon river. He always walked through the Amazon rainforest, ate nuts and was sleeping. One day he woke up lost deep in the rainforest. He never found the way out.
Super Mum went to the space to find the dragon. She flew around the space until she found the star Superdeda and a cave there. In the cave there was water and Mum didn’t know how to swim. Then a little girl came ad saw to the dragon. The little girl told the dragon: “You have to come to the Earth to kill the aliens, they are killing people.” The dragon came to the Earth and after two weeks the Earth was safe and free!
Nina Rezo