
Jedan od ciljeva projekta Together Apart je međusobno upoznavanje i komunikacija među učenicima, pa će tako tijekom trajanja projekta biti organizirano više online razgovora među učenicima iz različitih zemlja. Donosimo vam izvještaje učenika sa prva drva razgovora u kojima smo sudjelovali.
One of the aims of Together Apart project is meeting and communication between students, so a number of online chats between students from different countries will be organised. Read about the student experiences from the first two meetings we attended.
Pozdrav, mi smo Lucija i Hana. Idemo na izvannastavnu aktivnost iz engleskog jezika koja se zove Together Apart. Prije nekoliko dana, 26.10., upoznale smo se sa učenicima i učiteljicom iz Bugarske.
Hello, we are Lucija and Hana. We go to extracurricular class Together Apart. Several days ago, on October 26, we met students and a teacher from Bulgaria.
Bili su vrlo sramežljivi, no mi smo bile pune pitanja. Mi smo učenice petog razreda, a oni su bili šesti. Njihova učiteljica je vrlo draga i znatiželjna. Saznale smo puno o njima i o Bugarskoj isto kao i oni o nama i Hrvatskoj. Bilo je vrlo zabavno. Nismo htjeli da razgovor završi. Imale smo još puno pitanja.
They were very shy, but we were full of questions. We go to the fifth grade and they to the sixth. Their teacher is very nice and curious. We found out a lot about them and Bulgaria, same as they did about us and Croatia. It was so much fun. We didn’t want the chat to end. We had many more questions.
Ja sam Marija, bila sam jako uzbuđena u vezi našeg razgovora. Na početku sam bila sramežljiva, a kasnije sam skupila hrabrosti čak i pitati par pitanja. Bilo je zabavno, ja i moje prijateljice smo se divno provele, a nadamo se da su i oni zadovoljni našim razgovorom. Nadamo se da će biti još ovakvih zabavnih, poučnih i uzbudljivih susreta i sa drugim državama, pa možda čak i s našim vršnjacima. Pričali smo na engleskom, to je bilo baš zabavno, nekih riječi smo se prisjetili, a neke smo naučili.
I am Marija, I was really excited about the chat. At the beginning I was shy, but later I was brave enough even to ask some questions. It was fun, my friends and me had a great time, and we hope they are also satisfied with our chat. We hope there will be some more such interesting, educational and exciting chats with other countries, maybe with some fifth graders. We spoke in English, it was great, we remembered some words and learned some new ones.
Ja sam Lucija, bilo mi je jako zabavno i imala sam puno pitanja. Nisu baš na sve odgovorili, ali nema veze. Bilo me je malo sram u početku, ali sam se kasnije opustila. Nisam željela da poziv završi. Bili su jako dragi i ljubazni. Pitali smo ih znaju li što je Tik Tok i začudili smo se što nisu znali. I oni dobro pričaju engleski, ali su se sramili. Sretna sam što smo pričali s Bugarima, ali tužna što je poziv završio. Bili su zanimljivi i znatiželjni. Bilo mi je jako drago pričati s njima i nadam se da ćemo opet pričati.
I am Lucija, it was fun and we had a lot of questions. They didn’t answer all of them, but it doesn’t matter. I was a little shy at the beginning, but I relaxed later. I didn’t want the chat to end. They were nice and kind. We asked them about Tik Tok and we were surprised they are not familiar with it. They speak English well, but they were also shy. I am happy we talked to the Bulgarians and sad because it ended fast. They were interesting and curious. I was glad to talk to them and hope we can talk again.

5.11. organiziran je još jedan online chat učenika sudionika projekta. Ovog puta sudjelovali su učenici iz Turske, Češke, Srbije i Hrvatske.
On October 5, another chat was organized. This time students from Turkey, Serbia, Czech Republic and Croatia participated.
Marta: Bilo je super. Pino smo se nasmijali. Svi su bili jako ljubazni. Bilo nas je jako puno na pozivu i bilo je zabavno.
Marta: It was great, we laughed a lot. Everybody was nice. There were a lot of us and it was fun.
Tin: Bilo je zanimljivo i zabavno. Učenici su govorili o svojim državama i raznim drugim stvarima. Bilo nas je oko 25. Neka djeca su postavljala pitanja koja su ih zanimala, a drugi učenici su odgovarali.
Tin: It was interesting and fun. Students talked about their countries and many other things. There were about 25 of us. Some children asked the questions and other children answered.

Nina Rezo