Povodom Halloweena, učiteljica Nina Rezo na satu engleskog jezika zadala je učenicima 8. d i 8. e razreda da napišu horor priče od nekoliko riječi. Što su učenici smislili, pogledajte u nastavku.
They are fast.
You’re the father.
They’re all dead.
Instructions were unclear.
Biology test today.
Mum coming to school.
Got an F.
An empty fridge.
School started.
Evening at cemetery.
Play with me!
Where are you?
Someone’s behind you.
It’s Friday 13th.
No more internet.
Then the teacher came.
Child is missing.
I’m pregnant.
You have cancer.
Nuclear launch detected.
Credit card declines.
Do not blink.
Any final words?
Izvor: Nina Rezo