Za zadnji sat Engleskog jezika 5. b razreda u ovome polugodištu, profesorica Tamara Jovanović zadala je učenicima da ju razvesele na bilo koji mogući način koji im padne napamet. Oni su to učinili napisavši vesele pjesmice i stihove na engleskom jeziku i na taj način unijeli su božićni duh na sat engleskog jezika. Neke najuspjelije stihove dijelimo s vama.
Ivan Đuran
Christmas is here
Not too far away,
It’s Jesus’ birthday
We are happy today!
The Christmas tree is trimmed
We are excited now,
How to spend holydays?
We know how!
School is finished
It’s finally over,
For sledding, skiing and ice skating
We have power!
Malena Hrustić 5.b
Christ is born
day after December
twenty fourth.
His birthday
is important day.
We celebrate the
son of God.
Jesus is his name,
he is world changer,
perfect is this man
because he made the world a better place.
So, let’s be like him,
be a friend, show some love
and never quit.
Gabi Pavlović
Santa Claus is coming for Christmas. In the middle of the night you will hear some bells, hey, that’s Santa Claus bells on his bobsled. Come on, children, let’s make cookies and prepare milk for Santa Claus. Hurry up, we must go to bed because Santa Claus will be scared. A reindeer Rudolph and his team are pulling his bobsled. In the morning you will see a gift under the Christmas tree. You will know that it’s a gift from Santa Claus because there are no milk and cookies! After that you will hear: “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!”
Dominik Klarić
Ho, ho, ho
Here we go…
Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
I wish you a good year from 5.b class.
Lovro Lež
Christmas is here. All the kids are happy for the presents and the Christmas tree. I am happy too. I can’t wait. Today when I’m reading this, it is Friday. Santa Claus will go down our chimney. Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you will be happy for Christmas and that you will get a good present. Stay great as you are now. Study and have a good Christmas.
Leon Škanić