Yesterday at eight in the morning a dragon was spotted roaming the streets of New York. He had escaped from a circus where he was being kept in bad conditions. The dragon caused a lot of damage
Luckily, local playboy genius, Tony S. (32), whose house the dragon attacked, called the ghost busters. “I was scared and I said come and help because there is a dragon burning down my house.” The ghost busters came right to the scene but they couldn’t capture the dragon, they could only calm it. “We used water guns to put out the fire in the dragon’s mouth and then my friend [also a ghost buster] tried to jump on him so he couldn’t move”. The brave ghost busters saved the town of New York.
Later professional dragon tamers came and captured the dragon “We are going to take the dragon to Romania”. The tamers explained that they prefer to keep the specific location confidential to protect the dragon’s safety. The man who runs the circus that the dragon, who we since discovered is called Chad, escaped from, is being sued by the State Department of Safety of Magical Creatures.
Borna Trnjanac, 6. a
Borna je samoinicijativno napisao ovu zanimljivu priču o zmaju u New Yorku koju je s nama podijelila njegova učiteljica engleskog jezika, Marina Sertić.
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