U našoj školi se stalno provode razni eTwinning projekti pa je tako ove školske godine došao red da sudjelujemo u projektu zvanom Podcast is a blast. U sklopu ovog projekta bavit ćemo se sklapanjem zvukova, kreiranjem priča i radijskih emisija za koje su naši učenici ove godine iskazali velike interese. U ovom projektu sudjelujemo s djecom i učiteljicama iz raznih država kao što su Turska, Grčka, Italija, Srbija… Svaki mjesec dobit ćemo neki zadatak pa je u listopadu naš zadatak bio da u suradnji s jednom od zemalja osmislimo Scary Story, to jest strašnu priču. S obzirom na to da nas je puno u ovom projektu, podijelili smo se u skupine pa smo mi stariji zmajčeki osmislili priču s našim kolegama iz Turske. Bilo je jako zabavno raditi nešto poput ovoga jer smo mogli ubacivati razne efekte i zvukove u Audacityu i što je najbolje, imali smo slobodu uređivati kako smo htjeli. Mi smo svoju priču nazvali ‘A Woman in the Field’ to jest na hrvatskom ‘Žena u polju’. A ako vas zanima, naravno možete ju i poslušati. Ono što je bilo posebno zanimljivo je to što smo pričali na engleskom jeziku i što smo podijelili priču na dva dijela – mi smo priču započeli, a naši prijatelji iz Turske su osmislili njezin završetak.
‘A Woman in the Field’
One evening, I was heading to show my friend what’s for homework because he was sick that day. He lives on a street across from me, and at the start of that street, there is a large field that I always check to see if there are any animals. But there were none this time, until I checked again and saw something coming closer to me. I rubbed my eyes and saw a woman’s figure wearing a national costume. On her head, she had roses that made her forehead bleed. And the worst of all, she didn’t have legs; she was levitating towards me.
The woman’s eyes met mine her expression cold an distant I tried to run but my legs felt glued to the ground as she floated closer the air around me became heavy and the temperuture dropped suddenly I felt a force pulling me towards her Just as I was about to scream, I heard a familiar voice from behind me. It was my friend, calling my name. I turned to see him standing at the edge of the field, waving his hands. The moment I looked back at the woman, she had vanished into thin air.
Breathing heavily, I ran to my friend and told him what I had seen. He smiled weakly and said, ‘You too, huh? She only shows up when you have unfinished business with someone.
Thinking it was just a dream, I took a deep breath and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom. As I washed my face and looked into the mirror, I saw her standing behind me, staring at me with those same cold eyes. My heart nearly stopped; the nightmare wasn’t over.
I naši šestaši iz Kašine, polaznici grupe In media press s učiteljicom Marinom osmislili su priču pod nazivom ‘Abandoned house’ s učenicima iz Grčke.
‘Abandoned house’
I učenici iz PŠ Vugrovec koji pohađaju dodatnu nastavu iz engleskog jezika sudjelovali su u ovom projektu sa svojom mentoricom Sanelom Španić u suradnji s učenicima iz Portugala. Njihova priča zove se ‘An unexpected friendship’.
‘An unexpected friendship’
It’s the middle of the night. Petar and Borna are in their bedrooms. Petar is playing games on his phone, and Borna is studying history for tomorrow’s test. Outside, their dog is constantly barking. The noise is getting louder by the minute. Borna is very scared. He runs into Petar’s bedroom; he knows Petar isn’t sleeping. When he opens the door, Petar isn’t there!
Now, he’s really scared. Then he sees the window is open… there is Petar in the garden, just standing, stunned. Borna runs outside, breathing heavily. He comes close to Petar, and then he sees crouched, human-looking shadow crawling through the bushes.
Petar and Borna turn on their phone flashlights and try to discover who has sneaked into their garden.
Shortly after, they find that it’s a child who is the same age, named Mike.
They ask him if he wants to go into their house and they offer him something to eat. Mike accepts.
When they’re inside the house, they ask him how he ended up there. Mike tells them that he had been abandoned as a child because he was a werewolf and his parents were afraid of him.
Petar and Borna understood it, because they had also been abandoned because they were vampires. Due to similarities between them, they became friends and started a bond of friendship that will never break.
Druga skupina učenika iz Vugrovca s učiteljicom Ninom Rezo osmislili su i snimili priču u suradnji s učenicima iz Španjolske i Turske.
‘Scary story’
Sve priče smo preslušali pod novinarskom i bilo je raznih dojmova ali sve su priče stvarno bile zanimljive i dobro napravljene. Projekt poput ovoga stvarno je savršena prilika da steknemo nove vještine i upoznamo nove ljude. Jako smo se zabavili i prestrašili. Svi s veseljem očekujemo sljedeći zadatak i nadamo se da ćemo ga što bolje odraditi i ostaviti dobre dojmove.
Petra Klarić